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The quickest, easiest and cheapest way to change your life is Gratitude.
Just think about it; when you hold a door open for someone and they don’t say thank you, when you let that car in during traffic and they don’t wave thank you, you might get annoyed or pissed off, you might muddle under your breath. You may feel this way because gratitude in life matters.
Just give it a try. Say thank you to the next person you see. How does that make you feel? Did you notice if their body language changed? If so you’ve just made a positive change for you and that person.
This slight increase to your mood will help spread that positivity to more people and situations. The other bonus is that that person will feel validated so they will also spread that gratitude going forward in their day. What an amazing experience. Something so simple, and so easy to do, can make such a big change.It’s pure joy!
Let’s try a quick and easy exercise. If you need to put a sticky note on the bathroom mirror or tie a ribbon around your finger, this exercise will be worth the reminder, I promise. Here we go:start your day with 5 things you are grateful for.
It doesn’t matter what the 5 things are. It only matters that you start your day with thanks. This will change your life for the better. Commit to doing this daily for a week. Then try 2 weeks. Better still, commit to this daily exercise for 21 days (this is the amount of time you need to form a habit) and make note of the positive things that enter your life.
Thank you! I really appreciate you taking the time to read my first blog post ever. I’m excited you’re here and I can’t wait to hear all about your positive life changes. Please comment and share your experiences, let start a community focused around gratitude and positivity. Let’s change our little part of the world with simple, easy things we can all do. Let’s lift each other up by lifting ourselves up first.
You can join our positive community on Facebook.
To our health and wellbeing,
peaceful balance
inside Your Optimal Health Clinic
18685 Leslie Street,
Sharon, ON, L0G1V0
1818 N Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA, United States
(555) 774 433