Positive Intention: You’re More Powerful than You May Realize

Positive Intention - You're More Powerful than you may think - Peaceful Balance Massage Therapy and Energy Work Sharon Ontario Newmarket, Aurora Keswick - Kristin Kunsch Registered Massage Therapist

How have you been doing? Have you had a chance to get into a new groove adding gratitude and deep breathing into your lives? How’s it working out? I would love to know and have you share your success stories with others. Not far off from the last blogs, this one is simple and free. So, let’s get into it.

Positive Intention. It seems like a simple and easy concept. Don’t get me wrong, it is. But there is a key difference between understanding it and experiencing it for yourself.

Bring the most positivity into your life with one simple change

I’ve understood the concept, but I haven’t ever really put much effort into it. I’m generally a positive person, so I thought I was in a good place. Until it came to me that some of my thoughts may not be so positive.

Whether it had to do with self talk or the driver that just cut me off or a conversation with someone from days ago that was less than lovely. I realized that my thoughts had to change. It was a big part of my rut that I was in.

So I changed my self talk. I’m not so hard on myself, if I don’t clean the entire house or if I don’t feed the kids a completely nutritious dinner that day it doesn’t mean I failed. They are happy, polite, kind kids. And instead of getting pissed at the driver that cut me off I now say (out loud in my car) “I hope you get there safe”(with sincerity, that’s a very important part of this).

Positive Intention: The Simple Law of Attraction

The more you invite positive intention into your life the more positive people and situations you attract. Changing some simple wording and thoughts changes your life. It’s just that easy.

Give it a try. Next time you have a negative reaction stop yourself and change it to a positive one. It’s going to take a few times to change your pattern but every time you do you’re raising your energy pattern for the positive. And this change in raising your energy guarantees increase in a positive life, tenfold.

So let’s get out there and not only change our lives for the better but the more we spread these positive intentions the more the people around us will receive positivity. What an amazing thing we can do in our small part of the world.

Smile at a stranger, talk to the person behind you in the grocery line, hold the door open for someone and if they don’t say thanks, don’t get mad ~ get positive.

Love and light.

Kristin Xo

Deep Diaphragmatic Breathing; Getting Centered and Letting Go

Deep Diaphradmatic Breathing Techniques - Registered Massage Therapy Newmarket - Kristin Kunsch Peaceful Balance Massage Therapist Newmarket

Ok, now that you have invited gratitude into your life, how do you feel? I hope some positive things have come into your life and I really hope that your life has turned around for the better.

With that being said you may now notice that the negative and stressful times are more enhanced. With a more positive shift into your life, the hard stuff may seem even more pronounced. Thats where Deep Diaphragmatic Breathing comes in. Again it’s simple, easy and free to do. Let’s give it a whirl.

Breathing, the easy way

You know when you get stressed or angry and don’t really know why?  Breathing can help you figure it out.  Deep Diaphragmatic Breathing can bring you back to center. It can help you get back into the moment and you can start to understand the reasons for your feelings.

How to Use Deep Diaphragmatic Breathing

  1. Take a deep breath in through your nose, filling your belly up like a balloon. Then breathe out through your mouth.
  2. Take a deep breath in through your nose, expanding your rib cage. Then breathe out through your mouth.
  3. Take a deep breath in through your nose filling up are upper chest. Then breathe out through your mouth.
  4. Now take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth, filling all 3 areas up. Repeat 10 times or as many as are necessary to get centered.

Now that you’re centered, let’s get to the bottom of it

Ok, now you are back into the moment how do you feel? Clear headed? Are you able to be in control of your emotions? Can you sit and think about why your feelings are so out of balance? If so, let’s get into figuring it out. If not, keep breathing until you are ready.

Sit in the moment and ask yourself why are you stressed/frustrated. What’s coming up? Trust what your first thought is; if  it resonates with you, we need to go and ask more questions until we get to a final solution. The next question you will want to ask is, why? You will get an answer.  If it resonates with you, trust that this answer is the truth.  If the answer doesn’t seem to make sense, do some more DDB and get centered again and continue to ask the question; why? Until you find an endpoint. Keep trusting the answer that comes up is the truth.

Again, it’s so simple that you might be thinking it can’t be right. But the truth is thtat life is simple. And when you get back to simplicity your life becomes less stressful and a whole lot easier to manage.

Let’s continue to move forward with ease and spread the love and light.

Thanks for being here. Until next time,
